Sunday 30 November 2014

shameless selfie showing off the new hair
Hey lovelies,
So I mentioned in my last blog post about the new training program I was planning on starting and honestly after much procrastination, I looked at myself in the mirror clad in Boux Avenue earlier today but forget sexy I didn't even feel pretty! Honestly I felt like such a *insert negative word* I know like everyone's different and we should embrace all figures but this isn't me therefore I really can't come to terms with it, I've just literally let myself go so much and so I thought enough was enough. It was time to take some drastic actions.
From tomorrow on wards so that is December the 1st, I'm going to start Kayla Itsines 12 weeks Bikini Body Guide (BBG). Now no way in hell is this going to be easy, in fact it'll be frickking torture but totes worth it t the end of those 12 weeks. Now seeing as she's racked up millions of followers on her ig I'm going to go out on a limb and assume that most if not all of you reading this have heard of her or at the very least... her workouts! So BBG or potential BBG girls if y'all are planning on doing this, then let me know! It'll be fun to do together maybe even motivate one another after all isn't that what we're all here for? Moral support?
Now If you're reading this and not having a clue of what I'm babbling on about then go check out Kayla's IG page >> @Kayla_itsines << trust me its totes a life changer.

P.s. If any of you are intrigued in the dress I'm wearing its from H&M and its a dark gray/black shade and skater style.
Seriously it's supes stunning!

So, I love you all and stay mesmerizing!

xoxo Millie_Mesmerize

FB: Millie Mezmerize
IG: Millie_Mesmerize
Wordpress: Milliemesmerize

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