Wednesday 29 October 2014

Trick or Treat

With Halloween a couple of days away I felt this would be a great theme for this blog post! Costumes, DIY decors and make-up galore. Let's get our creep on! I've decided after much consideration to go as as Little Red Riding Hood; cliche, classic and done to death I know but let's be honest isn't every outfit? The key to not looking like just another wannabe is customizing and knowing how to make an outfit your own. How to make it unique.

Just a Jack - O - Lantern

These creepily cute carved candle lit pumpkins look great either on a mantlepiece, lined up outside your front door or even just to spook up your bedroom! 
NOTE; if creepy isn't a look for you then cutefy it! Just hollow out the pumpkin and drop a tea light inside, it will make an amazing autumn/fall piece. 

A sweet treat

admit it! Halloween = SWEETS! Use any old jars you have lying around or if not then your local pound store will have some in stock. Now, fill them with your absolute ultimate favourite sweets ^.~ decorate the outside of the jars using any arts and crafts material you have; ribbons, cloth, acrylic paint, stickers and whatever else you want! Remember just be creative and I'm sure you treat jars will look adorabubble. 


Liquid latex is a MUST HAVE for those glorious gory looks. Any special effects make-up where you're trying to recreate an open wound, scars or even bite marks then this bad boy is an absolute god send. But don't go wasting all your savings on this! I got mine for the ridiculously cheap price of £9.00 on Ebay and not only is it good quality but also very long-lasting. 

It's a no brainer really (excuse the terrible halloween puns)!
Basically, apply a thin coat of liquid latex where you want the 'wound' to be using a clean paintbrush or make-up sponge.
Apply another layer to build up the look and put a single ply of tissue between each layer (size these tissues by ripping them). Once you've placed them over the layers you already have, don't forget to cover these with yet another layer of the latex.
Now by selectively ripping sections of the dry liquid latex with a pair of scissors, create the outline of the wound you want.
Fill your wound in with blood (preferably fake! But to each their own...) with a clean paintbrush, just dab it in the gash you created and Voila! youre ready to frighten the world. 

Halloween is a great excuse to play dress up, be as weird, wacky or different as you want without being questioned.

Become the victim of a shark attack;
Under a tight budget this year? fear not! this great idea is ridiculously cheap yet creative as hell!
Take any plain block coloured swimsuit and cut a few slits along the side where your ribs might be... these slits can be as big or small as you wish them to be, it's whatever you're comfortable with. Create some fake wounds with the use of liquid latex and smother yourself in fake blood.
you're officially done!

So that was some hopefully handy and helpful halloween ideas. Don't forget to tag me in your pictures on instagram @Millie_Mesmerize or by using #milliemesmerize
let's get that creativity flowing!

facebook: millie mezmerize
instagram: @millie_mesmerize
twitter: @milliemesmerize

Love, hugs and kisses,
Millie_ Mesmerize

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